DEG Book Club
target groups
On 21 January we will celebrate the premiere of our DEG book club!
On the first meeting on the 21st January 2025 we will present a selection of 3–4 books and authors before we then choose together which book we will read for the next two months. Should it be an all-time classic or a current bestseller? When we meet again in March we will talk about the book, if and why we enjoyed it and share our thoughts and ideas about the book, the way it was written and characteristics of the author’s way of writing. We will then choose the next book to be read until May and so forth.
Come join us to practice your English and have some fun!
Bürgerbegegnungsstätte Stadt Bayreuth
Am Sendelbach 1-3,
95445 Bayreuth
Event Organizer
DEG Bayreuth
Kontakt Sabine Greiner
Bodelschwinghstraße 3,
95447 Bayreuth
0176 21231243
e-mail address:
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